Chances are you’ve already seen Get Out. Most people have. But if you’re looking for more on how the film came together, then look no further than what was said at the Film Independent Forum—which happened October 20-22 at the Directors Guild of America in Los Angeles. Peele was one of the Forum’s two keynote conversations, sitting down with Film Independent at LACMA curator Elvis Mitchell to discuss the process of birthing such a provocative, innovative film. Afterwards, we were able to snag the very-busy filmmaker for yet more behind-the-scenes chatter about Get Out’s origins, his experiences as a first-time director and the differences between comedy and drama. Watch what he had to say below:

And to watch Peele’s full keynote conversation, look no further than Film Independent’s YouTube or, y’know, just watch below. No teacups, hypnosis or tiny spoons required!

And, as the industry eases into its year-end awards season horse race, Peele has continued received hosannas from numerous different critics’ groups and awards bodies, not least of all our very own Film Independent Spirit Awards. The film has been nominated for Best Feature, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Editing and Best Male Lead for Daniel Kaluuya. To see a complete list of 2018 Spirit Award nominees, click here or just watch our November 21 nominations press conference in its entirety below, hosted by Lily Collins and Tessa Thompson:

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