But don’t take our word for it. Check out this exclusive video, produced and directed by yet another Film Independent success story, 2014 Project Involve Fellow Ryan Velasquez. Prendergast joins several others—including Meet the Patels’ Geeta and Ravi Patel and Thirteen’s Catherine Hardwicke—to explain how their careers were advanced and supported with the help of Film Independent:

Look—if that doesn’t make you want to check out our stellar curriculum filmmaker resources (or at least make you hungry for some samosas), nothing will. Want more info? Great—click away below and let the hyperlinks explain all, including application requirements, deadlines, grant awards and more:

Directing Lab Screenwriting Lab Producing Lab Documentary Lab Fast Track Global Media Makers Grants and Awards Project Involve

In 2015 alone, 140 Film Independent Fellows screened their work as major film festivals throughout the world, including our very own LA Film Festival (now accepting submissions—click here to learn more.) So—are you next? Learn more by subscribing to our YouTube channel or by following us on Twitter and Facebook. To become a Member of Film Independent, just click here.