‘Tis the season to be indulgent. From mall shopping to football obsessing to cookie eating to—our favorite pastime—movie watching, the holidays present the perfect excuse for a more is more approach to all the good stuff in life. And for those who love independent film, there’s no better way to get your fix over the holidays than by catching up on the best of the best movies made this past year: Film Independent Spirit Award nominees. To make it easy, our gift to you is this list we’ve compiled of all the nominated films and where to watch them (on-demand, DVD, Blu-ray or in theaters.) Film Independent Members also will be invited to our free screenings of films in every voting category in Los Angeles (January 16 – January 30) and New York (January 16 – February 15). Here are the complete screening schedules. Remember, only Members vote for the Spirit Awards, and January 16 is the last day to join to be able to vote for this year’s winners. In any case, you can fill your holidays with some inspiring films. And if you were good this year, maybe Santa will leave some popcorn in that stocking. Pamela Miller / Website & Grants Manager

Merry Christmas and Happy Spirit Awards Where To Watch the Nominated Films - 20