Filmmakers also make New Years Resolutions. They resolve to finally write that script, to edit that footage that’s been sitting on that hard drive or to make better industry connections. Filmmakers resolve to launch crowd-funding campaigns and to watch more films. They resolve to put more time into learning their craft or into developing key crew relationships. They resolve to make things and to make them better. They also resolve to lose weight, stop smoking and call their parents more than once a month. Hey—we all do. Film Independent can’t help you with those. But we can help you become a better writer, producer, director, distributor or camera operator. We can give you insight into getting your film into festivals, or getting it picked up for distribution. In short, if you want to take your career to the next level in 2016 our blog is a good place to start. So chuck another Yule onto the fire, crank up the Tubular bells and check out our Top Blogs of 2015…

Know Your Crew: ‘Birdman’ Steadicam Operator Tells All Film Independent spoke to Birdman steadicam operator Chris Haarhoff about working on the Best Picture winner, life on set as a cameraman and how the signature look of the film was hatched.

Stu Pollard on Starting a Production Company Veteran indie film producer Stu Pollard swung by our offices to teach aspiring media moguls how to seize the reigns of production, with plenty of practical advice on the logistics and legalities of hanging out one’s own shingle.

Do I Need a Permit to Film in Los Angeles? Like the first line of the blog says—“in a word: yes.” But read on to figure out why, exactly, you need that little piece of paperwork and how to get it, with step-by-step instructions and helpful links and resources.

Sundance Programmers Reveal the Secrets Behind Successful Submissions Every indie auteur dreams of being invited to Sundance. But there’s more to it that simply scrawling “Park City” on a DVD and shoving it in the mailbox. Sundance programmers Kim Yutani and Lisa Ogdie share some of their do’s and don’ts.

The Most Common Reason Why Scripts Are Rejected Studio readers are looking for literally any excuse to say “no” to your script, so don’t give them the satisfaction. Let our resident script consultant Corey Mandell teach you how to pin down your screenplay’s structure for the best results.

A Filmmaker’s Guide to Music Licensing Look, if you want to use “Hey Jude” to score your indie movie’s Third Act shootout, it’s probably not gonna happen. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find some other great needle drop to take its place at an affordable price point.

How to Successfully Market Your Indie Film Picture is locked and your film is finished. Maybe you even have distribution. But in a crowded movie marketplace, how do you drive eyes to your baby? Liz Ogilvie, Director of Marketing Programs at Fandor, gives tips for wrangling and audience.

A New Way to Get Your Film Into Theaters Producer Nicolas Gonda and marketing executive Pablo Gonzalez take you behind the scenes of their creation Tugg, a new online platform empowering film lovers and filmmakers to bring their favorite indies to local theaters.

A Guide to Independent Film Distribution in the 21st Century The old methods of independent film distribution are becoming increasingly out of date in the modern world. Distributor Scott Mansfield and Marketing Executive Julie Candelaria share four key points for getting ahead in the distribution game.

‘Dude Bro Party Massacre 3’ and the LA Film Festival Filmmaker Michael E. Peter explains how he and the rest of the 5 Second Films crew found a home for their ’80s slasher pastiche Dude Bro Party Massacre 3 at the LA Film Festival, with plenty of advice for other filmmakers looking to submit their film. So thanks for joining us in 2015. Bookmark the blog and check back often. We’ll be back with more interviews, insight, advice and entertainment in 2016. For more about becoming a member of Film Independent, click here. Matt Warren / Film Independent Digital Content Manager  

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