But the best pitch this campaign has going for it so far is a promotional video featuring Carolla and his old buddy Bryan Cranston, who jokingly rips Carolla and his film to shreds: So how does FundAnything compare with Kickstarter and Indiegogo? For starters, FundAnything doesn’t screen or exclude projects. And Donald Trump claims that as one of the company’s financial partners, he is “giving away MONEY!” on the site to campaigns. Sounds too good to be true, right? Right. According to this Crain’s New York Business Article, it is also the most expensive for indie filmmakers to use: Tech experts noted that FundAnything collects 9% of the money raised for campaigns that do not meet their pre-stated goals, and 5% for those that fully fund their campaigns. That is steeper than IndieGoGo, which collects the same 9% commission on campaigns that fall short of their monetary goals, but only 4% for completed campaigns. Kickstarter’s pricing model is slightly different. The site does not give a campaign any money unless a project meets its goal. In that case, it charges a 5% fee. The crowdsourcing site with the lowest fees, CrowdTilt, takes a 2.5% cut if a campaign reaches its goal. By Lee Jameson / Film Education Coordinator

Crowdfunding Gone Wild  Adam Carolla Will Hit On Your Women For a Price - 43