At the LA Film Festival last year, 2014 Project Involve Fellow Rosie Haber took home the Festival’s web series Audience Award for “Instababy”—an episode of New Deep South, a moving documentary series about the complex lives of queer youth in the US’s most staunchly conservative region. Currently, Haber is writing Brujas, a YA-specific TV show set in New Mexico. In discussing media consumption, they insist that media is never a distraction, only fodder for creativity. We recently caught up with Haber to chat about Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why, the Archie Comics murder-mystery spinoff Riverdale and finding media useful “for seeing just how dark teen shows can go.” As a filmmaker who’s constantly making things how much time do you actually have to take in the latest TV, movies, music or podcasts? I guess that’s subjective, but I feel like I have enough time to keep up on current media. Podcasts are easy because of LA traffic, and if a TV show is good I’ll make time for it. Films are sometimes harder because they require a longer attention span, but I’m old school and still love film, so I make an effort—especially to watch films in the theater. What’s the last TV show that you watched a full season of? 13 Reasons Why—I had to get to that last tape! That and Queen Sugar. I loved the family dynamics and ties to the land so much. What was the last movie you saw in the theater? I was at Tribeca, so I watched this very beautiful doc called For Ahkeem. That’s what is nice about festivals. They force you to watch things in the theater. What about the last movie you watched on streaming? The Craft [laughs]. Do you have a go-to movie that you regularly re-watch? If so, what about it comforts or entertains you? I hate re-watching movies, which I know makes me a bad scholar of film. That said I’ve re-watched [Jacques Audiard’s 2009 prison drama] A Prophet many, many times. It doesn’t really comfort or entertain, but it’s gorgeous and it continues to intrigue me even after seeing it multiple times. The lead character gives such an internal, human performance. I love him. What music do you listen to when you need to feel motivated? I feel like everyone in LA is listening to the new Kendrick [Lamar] album DAMN.—that’s sort of my motivation music right now. If you could only follow one person on social media, who would it be? Bread Face Blog on Insta. It’s just this girl who mashes her face into different types of bread and curates her outfits, lighting and music to match the bread. It’s kind of meditative. That, or photographer Joel Sartore, who has the literal best job in the world: photographing weird animals for National Geographic against a white cyc. If someone made a movie about your life, who should the soundtrack be by? James Blake, because he’s atmospheric, charming and a little wilty. How do celebrate or reward yourself after you finish a project? I always forget to do that, but I feel like I go to the Korean spa a lot. Like, a lot. Do you have any rituals that help you get into a better work mindset? I go on a lot of hikes and swim a lot. When you’re underwater you can’t check your cell phone, and that’s a positive thing. For my last film, I asked a friend who self-identifies as a witch to bless our set—that’s like a literal work ritual. What do you always have with you on set? Xanax [laughs]. JK. I was reminded by my actor, Forrest Goodluck, that I have eucalyptus oil on set because it wakes you up. Oh—and probably some type of crystal in my pocket. #LAlife.

To learn more about Haber’s work, please visit their website. And to learn more about Film Independent’s Artist Development programs, please visit our website. And to support our Fellows in all that they do, consider becoming a Member of Film Independent today. The 2017 LA Film Festival takes place June 14-22, headquartered at the ArcLight Cinemas Culver City, with additional screenings at ArcLight Hollywood, ArcLight Santa Monica and more. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for more updates and inside info.

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