These are days of rage and anguish. Rage and anguish over the killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and so many more. Rage and anguish over the systemic racism that allows injustices like these to happen. As dark as things are, we believe these are days of hope and urgency, too. We are inspired by the brave people all over the country – and all over the world – who are demonstrating for and demanding change. We stand with those who raise their voices against racism and injustice. We are committed to working together to root out racial inequality and continue to support the Black community. This is a time for action but also for reflection, a time to hold ourselves and each other accountable. A moment to look in the mirror to ask how we can do more. It is a moment to listen, learn and act. Film Independent reaffirms its commitment to fight for diversity, equity and inclusion in the world of film and beyond – a fight we recognize as a matter of justice now and always. Black Lives Matter.   We always want to hear from our community, and invite you to share your needs, thoughts and any information you feel is valuable. Contact us at